Symposium on the Future of Libraries - Schedule

The Symposium on the Future of Libraries features sessions exploring the near-term trends already inspiring innovation in libraries and the longer-term trends that will help us adapt to the needs of our communities. 

This year's sessions include three learning formats:

  • Information Sessions [IS] allow presenters to focus on a specific trend, topic, or issue to help attendees better understand what they need to know to make sense of the future. 
  • Workshops [W] offer an interactive room set with rounds or tables that encourage collaborative, hands-on learning. These sessions provide time for instruction but allow attendees to engage in active learning through discussion, activities, or other constructive learning. These sessions are meant to help attendees develop skills to be more strategic, effective in leadership, or proactive in using foresight tools or strategies.
  • Discussion Sessions [DS] are designed to spark conversation across participants. Lead discussants or facilitators pose questions or prompts and encourage attendees to share their perspectives and insights. 

Session titles are hyper-linked to the ALA Midwinter Meeting Scheduler and will open in a new tab/window. 

Times and sessions are subject to change. Additional sessions and speakers will be added as they are confirmed. The Center for the Future of Libraries announced an open call for concurrent sessions through August 19 (an extended deadline). If you have questions about a proposal, please contact Miguel Figueroa at [email protected]

Saturday January 25th

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Plenary Session - Libraries Transform: Civic Innovation
Join Philadelphia-based civic innovators for the morning's plenary session exploring what’s next for communities.

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Sustainability is Now a Core Value. So... Now What?[DS]
Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Executive Director, Mid-Hudson Library System; Matthew Bollerman, Chief Executive Officer, Hauppauge Public Library
In 2019 ALA Council voted to make sustainability a core value of librarianship. So what's next? How do we embed this new core value in our work as a profession, in our libraries and in our association? Join ALA Special Task Force on Sustainability's co-chair Rebekkah Smith Aldrich & SustainRT's first ALA Councilor, Matthew Bollerman to get in on the ground floor of this thinking for the future of sustainable libraries.

Partners in Place: Community Space Sharing for Tomorrow’s Workforce [IS]
Lisa M. Shaw, Rural & Small Libraries Specialist, Maine State Library; Elizabeth Iaukea, Workforce Development Librarian, Washington State Library; Tammy Westergard, Deputy State Librarian / Assistant Administrator, Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records; Randy Kemp, Program Supervisor, Idaho Commission for Libraries; Andrea Levandowski, Library Consultant for Small Business Development & Technology, New Jersey State Library
Falling unemployment rates mean less WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) funding for career centers. Reducing their physical footprints offers big savings, but as business’ need for skilled workers continues to grow, the workforce development system struggles to meet this demand, with less resources. Libraries in rural communities provide welcoming, physical spaces for career advisers to meet and interact with an untapped labor pool:  patrons accessing the gig economy, tele-working, skill-building through online learning, and earning industry-recognized credentials and certifications. Program panelists describe library space-sharing successes that match Labor, workforce boards, and patrons; meeting the needs of all and stimulating rural economies without “mission creep.”

Cross-Campus Partnerships to Help Students Fund Their College Education [IS]
Kate Angell, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Library Instruction, Long Island University Brooklyn Campus Library
For the past three decades, the cost of a college education has been creeping upward at public and private institutions alike. This crisis in college affordability is the collective responsibility of all campus departments to address and attempt to resolve, including libraries. Academic librarians can play an important role in participating in collaborative outreach initiatives to help students both save money and secure additional college funding. Key campus collaborators can include student success departments, academic departments, information technology, and academic affairs. Partnerships can include open educational resources (particularly free textbooks), workshops and resources focused on helping students apply for scholarships, promoting and teaching open access resources, and financial literacy sessions taught by librarians. In this session attendees will learn about programming led by librarians to help students defray the increasing costs associated with obtaining a college education.

Disrupting Tech While Being Pro-Tech[DS]
Elisa Rodrigues, Systems Library Assistant, University of San Francisco Gleeson Library | Geschke Center; Anders Lyon, User Experience/Web Design Librarian, University of San Francisco Gleeson Library | Geschke Center
As more libraries take on social justice concerns, pro-technology library workers have the responsibility of vetting and implementing meaningful tools that both meet patron needs and privacy. The goal of this discussion is for library workers to think critically how we might take a more measured approach to reviewing and integrating technology into library services. Participants will be encouraged to think beyond the glitz and glam of new toys and consider how innovation can work in favor of community goals and library ethics. BIPOC, paraprofessionals, students, recent grads, and those with reservations about technology are highly encouraged to attend.

The Library, Not Just for Books: Connecting Library, Maker, and Social-Emotional Learning [W]
Velear Schrupp, Library Director, TVT Community Day School
The Library, Not Just for Books welcomes participants to explore the role the Library can play in the running of a Makerspace and how to infuse Social Emotional Learning. This interactive workshop will explore the "Why" behind the integrated approach by taking a look at some of the ways skills are built when Information Literacy, maker informed practices, and Social and Emotional Learning are infused within activities/lessons and the philosophy of the Library.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop. 

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Making Real Change: Moving Beyond the Interpersonal to Create Actual Diverse, Inclusive and Equitable Environments for Both Library Users and Employees [DS]
Erin N. Elzi, Design and Discovery Librarian, University of Denver; Elia Trucks, User Experience and Student Outreach Librarian, University of Denver
Anti-oppressive practices (AOP) grapple with power inequities that uphold structural forces like racism and sexism. Librarianship has primarily focused on individual expressions of AOP. However, AOP must include institutional and ideological change, which can be more challenging. This session will discuss AOP framework, explore examples of AOP in libraries, and give participants tools for starting larger conversations at their own institutions. Participants will discuss what their institution is doing that focuses on the individual, and explore how theories of organizational change can be used towards institutional AOP.

Library Marketing and Advocacy Through Social Media [W]
Charlene Martoni-McElrath, Student Workforce Manager, University at Albany Libraries
Meet your patrons where they are: online. Libraries must take advantage of social media marketing tools in order to adequately identify and serve the needs of their communities. This presentation will explain: (1) why libraries should be active on social media, (2) how libraries can foster a community of library advocacy and engagement through social media, (3) ways libraries can market their services, resources, and programs through social media, and (4) how to set up a strategic marketing plan specific to individual library cultures. Take your embedded librarianship and advocacy practices to the next level by attending this workshop.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop.  

To See or Not to See: Exploring and Visualizing Digital Collections Data with R Programming Language [IS]
Monika Glowacka-Musial, Assistant Professor/Metadata Librarian, New Mexico State University Library
Many libraries invest in developing digital collections to preserve unique historical materials and provide online access to these distinctive sources. One way to stimulate users to actively engage with digitized materials is harvesting metadata and creating different visual contexts for specific collections. These visuals provide an overview of a collection’s content and inspire online users to actively experiment with rich data stored in digital collections for research, scholarship, teaching, and learning. R is a powerful tool to facilitate content analysis and its visualization. Examples of how R has been applied to exploit metadata in local digital collections will be discussed.

Tomorrow's Scholars Today: Collaborating to Empower Undergraduate Students to Become Knowledge Creators [IS]
Ashley R. Lierman, Instruction & Education Librarian, Rowan University Libraries; Whitney Cox, Lecturer, Philosophy & World Religions, Rowan University
Rather than being framed as passive recipients of information, college and university students now have increasing opportunities to engage in innovative research of their own, and contribute to scholarly knowledge. Fully supporting this transition will require academic librarians to step forward out of our frequently backgrounded roles, and share our expertise as equal instructional partners with faculty. The presenters will share our experiences as the teaching team of a research methods course in religious studies, and lead a discussion on the barriers to and benefits of such partnerships, and how both librarians and faculty might best pursue them.

Transformation for Libraries: From EXCITE to a Futures School [IS]
Dawn La Valle, Director, Division of Library Development, Connecticut State Library
With its successful EXCITE Transformation for Libraries program (, the Connecticut State Library developed an experiential learning program that supported collaboration and innovation skills, resulting in community-responsive programs and services that reflect a culture of change in libraries. Now, the State Library is working with The Kedge Futures School (TFS) to offer a Learning-Unlearning-Relearning Through Strategic Foresight program. Focusing in on specific library issues, the three-day programs will help staff develop a futures mindset adaptable to changing environments. The Futures School’s strategic framework enables participants to continuously learn-unlearn-relearn to lead discussion and action in the transformation of libraries.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Action: Creating Customer Journeys to Generate Equitable Communities. How to use Asset Framing to Design Experiences for Social Impact [W]
Margaret Sullivan, Principal, Margaret Sullivan Studio; Farrell Evans, Sportswriter and Co-founder, The Bridge Golf Foundation; Neely Leslie, Designer, Margaret Sullivan Studio
Librarians have an opportunity to model best practices in equitable customer experience with every touchpoint. Defining communities in general terms such as “at risk” often perpetuates systematic racism and biases that we are working to break down. A vanguard of leaders are re-framing the language and approach, by defining people by their aspirations and contributions before noting their challenges. This approach, called “Asset Framing” makes it much clearer to understand the systemic causes behind their struggles. In this workshop, participants will create customer journeys using the Asset Framing “Framework” to learn how to apply these principles in their daily work.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop. 

Young Changemakers in 21st Century Libraries [IS]
Luke Kirkland, Teen Specialist, Waltham Public Library; Alexandra Remy, Branch Supervisor, Forest Park Branch Library; Melissa Bennett, Young Adult and Assistant Children’s Librarian, Turner Free Library
In January 2019, the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) and the Democratic Knowledge Project (DKP) at Harvard University assembled a cohort of librarians from ten Massachusetts schools and public libraries to design professional development resources for implementing DKP’s Ten Questions for Young Changemakers—a framework for civic learning that seeks to help youth develop into successful (i.e. equitable, effective, and self-protective) civic agents in this digital age. Learn about the training materials and learning modules produced by the public librarians in this cohort, and hear suggestions for building cultures of civic engagement with teens in the public library setting. 

Big Shifts: Libraries, Collections, Networks [IS]
Lorcan Dempsey, Chief Strategist and VP, Membership and Research, OCLC
Academic libraries increasingly define themselves in terms of student success, research support and community engagement. We are seeing a major shift from the centrality of the collection, to services and to deeper engagement with changing research, teaching and learning practices. This presentation will frame important changes, identify patterns in library responses and discuss how they can use trends to their advantage. It will draw on an extensive record of OCLC Research work on the future of libraries, on the shifting boundaries and character of library collections, on research support, on library collaboration, on the shift to open.

Can Virtual Reality Change Information Literacy Instruction? [DS]
Felicia A. Smith, Head of Learning & Outreach, Stanford University
How will virtual reality change the ways that we teach information literacy? Beyond virtual teaching environments, could there be ways to integrate information literacy concepts into users' navigation of virtual experiences, creating transferable decision-making skills into academic contexts? In this open-ended discussion, we will consider how VR will impact instruction and how instruction can integrate into VR.

Digital Public Library of America: What’s New for 2020 [IS]
John Bracken, Executive Director, Digital Public Library of America; Michael Della Bitta, Director of Technology, Digital Public Library of America; Shaneé Murrain, Community Manager, Digital Public Library of America; Michele Kimpton, Director of Business Development and Senior Strategist, Digital Public Library of America
Join Executive Director John Bracken and the DPLA team as we share the projects we’re most excited about in 2020. Technology Director Michael Della Bitta will introduce our plan to bring cultural artifacts to an even larger audience by partnering with Wikipedia; Community Manager Shanée Murrain will discuss our efforts to shine a light on the role of Black women in the suffrage movement; and Director of Business Development Michele Kimpton will give an update on DPLA’s partnership with the NYPL, state and public libraries to provide a public option for managing and distributing ebooks. Have another topic you’d like us to discuss? Email [email protected] or tweet @dpla to let us know.

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Creating a Robust Cross-Sector GLAM Innovation Clearinghouse: A Critical Conversation [DS]
Kenn Bicknell, Manager - Policy Research & Library Services, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Several factors are blurring or sharpening the distinction between galleries, libraries, archives, museums (GLAM institutions). They have always shared challenges, including collection management, preservation, access, marketing, funding issues, and developing allies. However, the three sectors have all too often operated within their own silos (or even silos within silos -- if one considers various types of libraries). It is time for an honest, critical conversation among those of us who wish to learn, share, and grow from outside the library field, to explore how we can build a resource that leverages innovation and strategic thinking from our cultural heritage brethren.

Metadata Instruction Mobilizing Human Rights Research in the Undergraduate Classroom [IS]
Mary S. Alexander, Coordinator of Metadata, The University of Alabama Libraries; Emma Wilson, English Professor, Southern Methodist University; Alex Boucher, Research & Instructional Services Librarian, The University of Alabama Libraries
How can metadata instruction mobilize human rights research in the undergraduate classroom? We will discuss how library instruction in resource discovery and metadata creation in both a large public university and a small private university empowered students to make original research discoveries about the history of human rights issues such as questions of race and gender in their local area. The process of discovering primary source materials, researching those materials to understand them and the culture & society that they were produced in, and documenting those previously undocumented primary sources individually with high-quality metadata for discovery in digital humanities exhibitions.

Designing for the “Other”: Understanding the Library Space Needs of Minoritized Users in Academic and Public Libraries [IS]
Karen Diller, Library Director, Washington State University Vancouver; Amy Beth, Chief Librarian and Director of Academic Technologies
Guttman Community College, CUNY; Sam Wallin, Analyst and Project Coordinator, Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries; Shaina Destine, History and Medieval & Renaissance Studies Librarian, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

We have little understanding of how library physical spaces impact the development of space attachment or inspire and stimulate patrons whose identities are still seen as “the other” and who are a growing population in our communities. This workshop will acquaint participants with the basic issues of understanding how users with minoritized identities interact with and respond to physical spaces in both academic and public libraries. Attendees will then participate in a variety of discussions and exercises which will introduce new methods of research, lead to the development of important questions to be answered, and culminate in a research agenda. 

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

An Awesome Ideas Pitch for Libraries
The Libraries chapter of the Awesome Foundation, an international organization that forwards the interest of awesome in the universe $1000 at a time, will be hosting an Awesome Ideas Pitch for Libraries during ALA Midwinter. Selected presenters will pitch short, inspiring ideas that could impact their community, demonstrate a new idea, or improve a tool or service. Judges (and the audience) will choose who walks away with $1000 to work on their idea. For information about the Awesome Foundation, check out: 

Sunday January 26th

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Plenary Session - Libraries Transform: Social Innovation
Join Philadelphia-based social innovators for the morning's plenary session exploring what’s next for improving society.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Robots and Us: What Could Go Wrong? What Could Go Right? [DS]
Bohyun Kim, Chief Technology Officer and an Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island Libraries
Participants will discuss general concerns related to the adoption of robots: (1) robot safety, (2) robot morality, (3) the impact of the human-robot relationship on social norms, and (4) the robot’s potential to be used as a means for manipulation/deception.  The presenter will provide a brief introduction on a robot and the capabilities of an AI (artificial intelligence)-powered robot.  The session participants will also explore (a) what kind of robots we may see at libraries, (b) what kind of human-robot interactions may take place, and (c) what type of human-robot relationship may facilitate the library robot’s intended use.

Navigating Queer Realities in School Libraries [IS]
Rae-Anne Montague, Department of Information Studies, Chicago State University
This session considers the roles of school librarians in supporting emerging interest and legislation recognizing the varied contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals and groups. It explores effective practices in terms of collection development, instruction, online resources, programs, exhibits, and events; and offers suggestions to overcome challenges and strengthen future approaches. The analysis is based on a literature review surveying LGBTQ inclusive materials and curricula. Implications are of particular interest to school librarians and others involved in augmenting understanding of the roles and contributions of LGBTQ people.

Framing the Design of Future Public Libraries[W]
Sara Weiner, Architect, Gensler; Anthony Harris, Architect, Gensler; Allison Marshall, Architect, Gensler
This dynamic workshop session will address critical and leading topics in the design of public libraries that contribute to the vitality of communities. Working together we will craft design viewpoints that can be applied to the conceptualization of new libraries, remodels, and strategic plans. We start by acknowledging the library as a fundamental and evolving aspect of social infrastructure along with the role of librarians and libraries. Focus topics include: addressing differing learning styles, response to vulnerable populations, diversity, inclusion, collection curation, technology, staff spaces, resiliency, function and operations, creativity and innovation.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop.  

Data and Diversity: Navigating the Ethics of Demographic Data in Inclusive Community Collections [IS]
Kelly Hiser, Co-Founder and CEO, Rabble; Lachrista Greco, MLIS Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kate Sellers, Technical Services Manager, Seattle Public Library
Librarians building local collections want to represent the diversity of their communities. When we use information about people's identities to assess a collection's inclusivity, how do we protect people's privacy and respect their autonomy? We'll discuss how we addressed these questions for local digital music collections at public libraries in Seattle and beyond. We'll share best practices we created, how we developed those practices, and how we continue to adapt them. We present our work with community data as a template for engaging with the complex and evolving issues facing librarians in an era of rapid technological and societal change.

Reading Groups, Speculative Design, and Wicked Problems: LATITUDE’s Speculative Design and Climate Reading Group [IS]
John Jung, Programmer Analyst, University of Chicago Library; Renee Albrecht-Mallinger, Senior Design Researcher, IA Collaborative
Where is the intersection between libraries, design, and society’s “wicked problems”? At Chicago’s community digital lab LATITUDE, Renee Albrecht-Mallinger and John Jung used a reading group to start talking about speculative design and climate change. Speculative design opens new ways of thinking and being, constructing spaces for discussion and inspiring imagination. With readings exploring climate and design from a variety of perspectives and through discussion and design activities, participants were encouraged to push their thinking on climate and design. This session will help library professionals find new ways to advance community partnerships and interdisciplinary dialogues for society’s benefit. 

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Libraries at the Nexus of Migration [IS]
Julie Botnick, Education and Outreach Librarian, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Region (NNLM PSR), UCLA's Biomedical Library; Derek Johnson, Health Professionals Outreach Specialist, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region; Alex Gil, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Columbia University Libraries; Ady Huertas, Supervising Librarian, Youth and Family Services, San Diego (Calif.) Public Library
Libraries and librarians will be increasingly in the center of shifting migration patterns and policies. Looking to this near future, we will highlight projects at public, governmental, and academic libraries that provide information access and services to migrant and detained migrant populations and how librarians have confronted the social impact of migration and detention on local communities through library services. Speakers will discuss innovative partnerships and outreach programs that ultimately serve the physical and mental health and well-being of migrant and detained migrant populations, and inspire other librarians in the borderlands and beyond to develop similar programs at their libraries.

Toxic Stress, Early Brain Development, and What Libraries Can do to Support Young Children Experiencing Adverse Childhood Conditions[IS]
Rachel G. Payne, Coordinator, Early Childhood Services, Brooklyn Public Library; Tyson Barker, Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Oregon; Anna Wright, Research Assistant, University of Oregon
Toxic stress in early childhood can have a cumulative toll on physical and mental health, including developmental delays. In this session, we will present a neuroscience-informed, library-based program for families to support brain development and early literacy. We will explain the impact of toxic stress on developing brains and how community-led efforts can partner with academic institutions to create impactful programs, provide an overview of the Robin Hood Foundation/Fund for Early Learning's portfolio of innovative early childhood programs, and outline the work of Brooklyn Public Library to develop a brain-building story time in low-resourced neighborhoods that buffers against toxic stress.

An Intentional Future: Libraries and Organizational Culture [DS]
Nikhat J. Ghouse, Associate Librarian & Coordinator, Diversity Alliance Residency Program, American University
The personnel budget for libraries is a top-line expenditure. A library’s organizational culture is a significant factor in determining retention. In this discussion, we’ll look at the organizational culture of libraries, the interdependence between organizational units, and alignment to organization-wide goals. Organizational culture is developed through our direct involvement with others, which creates basic assumptions shared with new employees for the purpose of inclusion and exclusion. We’ll discuss relevant models that can help an organization inform and surface the elements of culture including socialization and behavior, which are two areas that particularly hinder libraries from becoming high functioning and inclusive.

Food Literacy for Families, Libraries and Communities: South Carolina Read Eat Grow [IS]
Rebecca Antill, Youth Services Consultant, South Carolina State Library; Ryan Easterbrooks, Statewide Programs Coordinator, South Carolina State Library
Food and nutrition literacy have become important issues for communities, especially in light of the growth of “food deserts” and “food swamps” in low-income areas without access to fresh and nutritious food. Many libraries are introducing services to address food literacy and food insecurity, integrating traditional literacies and food literacy into collaborative learning experiences fostering personal and family health. This session will share examples of this type of service with a special focus on South Carolina’s  Read Eat Grow food literacy initiative, which includes activities to support food preparation, kitchen safety, recipe reading, and STEAM elements. 

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

FUTURE-READYing Your Library:  Preparing for the Future Today [IS]
Marcellus Turner, Executive Director and Chief Librarian, The Seattle Public Library
The Seattle Public Library has embarked on a future-readying library project to look at the significant forces that will impact what we do and how we do it over the next decade. SPL is reviewing future trends and influences and talking with experts to understand emerging technologies, the futures of work and education, and consumer expectations among others to understand how they will influence our work.  In so doing, we hope to prepare for this future in terms of service as a fully-focused (and future-ready) library.

Making Connections and Discovering Place: Oral Histories and the Library [IS]
Lauren Kehoe, Undergraduate Instruction and Outreach Librarian, New York University Elmer Holmes Bobst Library; Mayumi Miyaoka, Assistant Professor, Librarian, Archivist, St. Joseph's College New York McEntegart Hall Library
How do we leverage oral history ("a field of study and a method of gathering, preserving and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events”) to become a tool for students to contribute to the scholarly conversation and historical record of their college community. The “Voices of SJC” Oral History Project at St. Joseph’s College Brooklyn Campus does this and goes further to help students build competencies in research, communication, group work, problem solving, and interviewing techniques. This session will show how academic libraries, even with minimum resources, can use the practices of oral history for powerful results.

Data Abuse: Is There a Sustainable Solution to Help Notify Users of Egregious Data Abuses? [DS]
Peter McCracken, Electronic Resources Librarian, Cornell University
How can patrons easily understand the extent of data collection that results from their use of electronic resources? Often, the resource provider just wants to confirm a patron’s institutional affiliation, but some vendors require that users create an account, subscribe to a newsletter, or provide demographic information. At Cornell University Library, staff are exploring options for helping patrons easily understand data collection from electronic resources – a system that can be supported, shared, and used by all. In this discussion, we will explore our ideas so far, and seek input on how to make such a service sustainable.

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Using Implications Wheels to Explore the Consequences of Change [W]
Jason Swanson, Director, Strategic Foresight, KnowledgeWorks 
Exploring future possibilities proactively can help libraries more equitably and effectively serve their communities in a rapidly changing landscape. This interactive workshop will introduce participants to implications wheels, an accessible method for exploring how changes on the horizon might affect libraries and communities. Together, we will explore the implications of a change that could have significant consequences for the future of learning and libraries, seeking to identify unexpected ripple effects of that central change. Participants will also receive guidance on using implications wheels and other futures thinking tools with their organizations that they can incorporate into their daily work and planning.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop.

Monday January 27th 

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Plenary Session - Libraries Transform: Education Innovation
Join Philadelphia-based education innovators for the morning's plenary session exploring what’s next for elementary and higher education.

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Measuring the Library’s Impact on Your Community’s Social Infrastructure [W]
Margaret Sullivan, Principal, Margaret Sullivan Studio; Lyna Vuong, Senior Design Strategist, Margaret Sullivan Studio; Alexandra (Ali) Sutherland-Brown, Urban Planning Strategist, Karp Strategies
In the book Palaces for the People, Erik Klinenberg makes the case that a better future for our society can be built around the concept of social infrastructure. Over the past decade, a growing body of evidence is being generated in community development proving the impact of our work. In this workshop participants will learn how economists, psychologists, UN policy makers, academics and urban planners are incorporating outcome measurements to quantify health and well-being factors including “quantifying happiness." Participants will engage in analyzing current library programs and learn to apply outcome measurement techniques in their daily work.
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop. 

Making the News: Library Advocacy and Local Media [IS]
Christi Buker, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Library Association; Megan Ortegon, Manager, ALA Public Policy and Advocacy
What does it take to make the news? How does it influence local leaders? Understanding and working with another public servant – the local press – is vital to demonstrating a library’s impact to the community and to their elected representatives. In this session, library advocates and a local journalist will discuss how news outlets choose what’s news, which voices to include, and how library advocates can be a productive part of the discussion. This session will focus on specific ways to support journalists and explore why local news matters to decision makers at every level. 

Literacy, Movement, Mindfulness: Bringing Story Yoga to Your Library[W]
Sharon Babbitt, Youth Services Librarian, Kingston Free Library
The ways that libraries provide programs for children and their families are changing. Are you interested in bringing early literacy, creative movement, and mindfulness into your library's programming? Story Yoga can be a new way to help children and their families learn and have fun. Sharon Babbitt, Youth Services Librarian and certified ChildLight Yoga® Yoga & Mindfulness for Children instructor, will guide you through start-up materials, book selection, props, songs, tips, and a basic lesson plan to get you on your way. 
Please note: the above workshop will have limited seating to accommodate an active learning session. Standing room may not be available, based on the preferences of the presenter(s). You may wish to arrive early to ensure a place in the workshop.

Aspiration, Legacy, Vision, and Function in the Design and Realization of Temple University's Charles Library[IS]
Joe Lucia, Dean of Libraries, Temple University
In late summer of 2019, Temple University in Philadelphia debuted a landmark new main campus facility, the Charles Library, designed by Snøhetta, a firm internationally recognized for their groundbreaking library projects. The building provides the university with an iconic academic facility that has been envisioned throughout as a catalyst for learning and intellectual engagement, as an environment that cultivates and supports scholars and the scholarly enterprise, connecting people and ideas in a compelling resource- and service-driven environment. This session provides an overview of the planning, design, and realization of the project, culminating with an opportunity to tour the facility.

Change Management and the Library: Readiness, Resistance, and the Greater Good [DS]
Nikhat J. Ghouse, Associate Librarian & Coordinator, Diversity Alliance Residency Program, American University; Mark Puente, Director of Diversity and Leadership Programs, Association of Research Libraries
Libraries manage continuous and, at times, multiple change efforts. These changes occur concurrently while business as usual continues for the workforce and patrons. Unfortunately, change efforts can have a negative impact if organizational and individual readiness has not been surfaced prior to the implementation of change efforts. This discussion will look at change management as a suite of tools, frameworks, and resources utilized to manage a processes that engage the organizational and individual resistors. As a discussion, this session will encourage attendees to share their perspectives for what works and what challenges limit our potential.