ALA Governance

ALA Council Meetings

  • ALA Council I - Sunday, January 26 - 9:00am - 11:00am - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom
  • ALA Council II - Monday, January 27 - 10:00am - 12:00 Noon - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom
  • ALA Council III - Tuesday, January 28 - 8:30am - 11:30am - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom

All Midwinter attendees are welcome to observe Council at work during the meetings. The Council is the governing body of ALA, and delegates to the divisions of the association authority to plan and carry out programs and activities with policy established by Council. The Council’s decisions are binding unless set aside by a majority vote in which one-fourth of the members of the association have voted.

ALA Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session

  • Saturday, January 25 - 3:30pm - 5:00pm - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom

For an overview of what’s been going on at ALA since Annual Conference as well as a status report of the association, you will receive reports from the President, President-elect, Executive Director, Treasurer, and Endowment Trustees at this meeting.

Executive Board Meetings

  • Executive Board I: Friday, January 24 - 8:30am - 12:00 Noon - MAR** - Independence II & III
  • Executive Board II: Monday, January 27 - 2:00pm- 4:00pm - MAR** - Independence II & III
  • Executive Board III: Tuesday, January 28 - 12:30pm - 4:30pm - MAR** - Independence II & III

Executive Board meetings, (if not closed sessions), are open to all Midwinter attendees. The best way to get an idea of how decisions are made within the association is to observe one of these Board meetings.

ALA Presidential Candidates' Forum

  • Saturday, January 25 - 5:00pm - 6:00pm - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom

Become an informed voter and prepare for the 2020 ALA Elections. Each candidate will have an opportunity to present their platform, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

ALA Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) Board of Directors

  • Monday, January 27 - 4:00pm - 4:30pm - MAR** - Independence II & III

ALA-APA Council Meeting

  • Sunday, January 26 - 8:30am - 9:00am - PCC*, Terrace IV Ballroom

The ALA-APA is a nonprofit professional organization with a mission “to promote the mutual professional interests of librarians and other library workers.”

*PCC - Pennsylvania Convention Center
**MAR - Marriott - Philadelphia