Education and Meetings

Symposium on the Future of Libraries
Included in your 2020 ALA Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits full registration, three days exploring the many futures for academic, public, school and special libraries (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) of the Midwinter Meeting.
Pre-Midwinter Institutes
Check out the wide range of institutes offered by ALA divisions, offices, and round tables for conveniently timed, and in-depth professional development on key and current topics. To register for these events, you can include them with your initial registration, or add them later using the unique link in your email confirmation. If you don't have your registration confirmation handy, you can request a copy by emailing [email protected].
News You Can Use: Updates and Implications
Experts offer the latest updates on policy, research, statistics, technology, and more in these sessions, based on new research, surveys, reports, legislation/regulation, projects, beta trials, focus groups, and other data. Update providers include ALA divisions and offices, the ALA Digital Content Working Group, and a wide range of other organizations.
ALA Masters Series
Grab your lunch and join innovative library leaders as they discuss transformative projects in this noon-time series.
Discussion Groups
The Midwinter Meeting features more than 200 Discussion Groups—loosely organized sessions on broad and timely topics, each sponsored by an ALA division, round table, or office. These generally highly interactive sessions may, or may not have a speaker and are more open discussions than informational.
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are held during the Midwinter Meeting to secure the business of the association. Some meetings will be listed "Closed" when confidential information may be discussed, but most sessions are open to all attendees, and are often a good way to learn about the business of ALA, and its divisions.